Corporate Management AV Feat

Event Management Audio Visual

  • 18/04/2019

Audio Visual is an integral part of event management and can make or break it. Great Audio Visual can enhance your event from a look and feel perspective and also from a user experience but on the other hand, bad AV can leave attendees wishing they never came to the event and ensuring they don’t return in the future! Managing AV can be overwhelming for any event manager especially when suppliers speak to you in technical terms so below are some pitfalls to avoid when planning the Audio-Visual aspect of your next event to ensure you get the best outcome;


1. Hiring the wrong Audio Visual company for your Event

The cheapest is not necessarily the best! When it comes to audio visual event management you need to compare costs, features, and services offered by a number of suppliers.  AV is not a one fits all solution, so select the AV company that not only has a strong reputation but also has a good industry knowledge specific to the type of event you are organising.


2. Not understanding your Audio Visual Quote

AV quotes can seem like another language.  Quite often as event managers, we don’t really understand the quote we have received.  It’s important to ask the AV company to talk you through the quote line by line and explain exactly what is included.  Don’t be afraid to ask for images of the set up you have been quoted for in particular for anything that you don’t understand.

Arm yourself with as much information and knowledge so you completely understand how the venue will look and exactly what you are paying for.


3. Sparing on Audio and Visual during Events

The most expensive items on any AV quote are the audio and visual components yet these are the most important pieces of equipment to ensure the success of the event.  If guests cannot hear or see, then your event is already a failure before you have even begun.

Ensure your AV supplier is aware of the audience size, room orientation, behaviour of your speakers and entertainment but most importantly ensure they understand your event visions and goals so they can guarantee that sufficient audio and visual elements are included in your set up without breaking the budget.  If your AV company have a full brief of all aspects of the event, then they should be able to plan accordingly.


4. Not allowing sufficient time for rehearsals, set up and de-rig

Many people make the mistake of assuming AV is quick and easy to set up.  When planning your event ensure you discuss with your AV supplier how long they need to set up and always ensure you roster a full rehearsal into your schedule.   Where possible set up should be done the day prior to the event.

Rehearsals should be done with your MC but you should also ensure there is an AV rehearsal completed, this ensures full testing of the equipment and also ensure the operator has time to familiarize themselves with the running order, the content, lighting and audio requirements of the show.


5. Content formatted incorrectly

One of the most common AV mistakes is mismanagement of content.  During the quote, process talks to your AV company about what type of formats and aspect ratios your presenters should create content in.  Relay that information to your speakers and content creators as soon as is possible.


If you do not receive content from presenters or speakers in advance, ask them to arrive early and during one of the breaks so their content can be tested. If videos are being used and are embedded within the presentation, ask them to also supply a separate file of the video so the AV operator has a backup. Also where possible avoid speakers using their own laptops or devices at the lectern, limit your AV to one show laptop so the AV operator manages all content.


Ensuring your run sheet is labelled the same as the files supplied to the AV operator and ensuring all files are listed in the correct order as they are required limits the risk of operator error and makes the running order for the day much clearer. Remember the AV operator is not as familiar with the event and does not have as clear an understanding of the event as you so make their lives as easy as possible and reduce the margin for error.

The key to avoiding very simple and common mistakes is down to very clear communication and strong organisation! Contact us to avoid confusion:


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