Event Management

Event Manager: Daily Success Tips

  • 19/07/2021

 To find out how Grooveyard can

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It might seem obvious but efficient organisation is vital – to be a successful event manager one must always juggle between various events, suppliers and clients. We all differ in our approach, some are tech savvy and use an app like Todoist or TickTick, others favour a handwritten list each morning but it’s safe to say all successful Event Managers are true masters of organisation! 


A huge part of the role of an Event Manager is communication- whether that is checking in with our clients to understand their goals and objectives, checking in with our suppliers on lead times or briefing our teams on event day. A successful event manager is always talking, typing and listening to the people around them.



It’s important to keep our finger on the pulse and keep our eyes open for the latest event innovations and trends. The best Event Managers take a little time away from their own projects to check out what’s going on in the industry around the world and see what new trends, technologies and wow factor ideas they can bring to the table in their next pitch.


Look Ahead

While in Ireland, we know how all-important the weather forecast can be, we don’t just mean checking the weather. Successful event managers need to have one eye on all eventualities when planning their events, be flexible and have their finger on the pulse for any changes or challenges that may arise. Low event registrations, a change of supplier, not enough catering, local road closure… by making sure we are thinking ahead, we can pre-empt any adjustments that might need to be made in the planning stages to minimise any surprises on event day.



Ranked amongst the most stressful jobs in the world, a truly successful Event Manager has to know how to relax and look after themselves, to make sure they avoid burnout and remain at their best for their clients. Getting out for a walk, taking a yoga class, meditating or socialising with friends at the end of a long day- taking care of number one means we can be on top form when we log on to our laptops to start again tomorrow.

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