Event Management

An Event Manager’s ‘Note to Self’

  • 03/04/2019

An Event Manager’s ‘Note to Self’


As event managers, we are inclined to learn what we need to know from the experience of every event we are a part of. Every event brings new challenges and learning curves and while no two events are the same, they tend to teach us a new lesson each time. Here are just a handful of tips event managers need to learn before managing any event. A ‘Note to Self’ for the Event Manager within you, that sometimes just needs to be reminded that you got this!


Laughter is the Best Medicine


As all event managers know, the weeks leading up to an event can be stressful. Having this stress weigh on your shoulders can take its toll on your health and can cloud decision making. Along with everything else you pack in your toolkit, make sure to also pack your sense of humour. Having a good hearty laugh is proven to release physical tension and stress and is sometimes the only thing that can get you through the lead up to event day.


Rollercoaster Event


Working in the event industry can sometimes be like riding a rollercoaster which nobody is controlling. Whether it’s being let down by a supplier or a problem with catering, event managers need to have plan A to Z to fall back on to keep the event running smoothly. As an event manager, your experience, resilience and abundance of back up plans will always help you to keep you on the straight and narrow.


Event Manager’s Rain, Even When the Sun is Shining


You really never can depend on the weather, especially if you are an event manager in Ireland. Here, it is likely that you will wake up to the sun splitting the trees, torrential rain at lunchtime and a thunder & lightning storm by mid-evening. Not only do you need to have a contingency plan in place in case the rain does decide to make an appearance, but you also need to be dressed for every kind of weather. If you are working on an event that requires you to be outdoors, bring everything you own that is waterproof.


You Are Just One Person


Many event managers tend to forget that they are just one person and as much as we wish we had the capacity to do a million different things at once, the reality is we can’t. Surrounding yourself with industry professionals and becoming an expert at delegating to other people you trust can take off huge amounts of pressure. Always monitor your workload and know your limits.


You Are Never Finished Learning


Although you can read and study much of the theory behind events, gain qualifications and certificates, you truly are never finished learning. New event trends are constantly emerging and if you want to stay on top of the event game you need to adapt to these trends. Michelangelo (the artist not the turtle), at the age of 87 said: “Ancora Imparo” which means “Still, I am learning”. This is true for the event industry as every opportunity that arises provides a new chance to gain knowledge and skills.

Event planners are highly skilled and exceptionally logistic conscious people. And though the job at times can be stressful, it is hugely exciting, rewarding and most of all, fun. A gentle reminder each day of the above lessons will help you be the best event manager you can be!


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Waterproofing Your Event
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