event venues blog 1
Event Management

Considerations for Event Venues

  • 20/10/2021

Choosing perfect event venues is one of the most important decisions in the event planning process. In order to ensure a successful event you must secure a venue that can accommodate all your event requirements and expectations. The right event venue space can make all the difference to your event so it’s crucial to pick the right one. Below outlines what to take into consideration when selecting a venue and how not to miss a step.


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Before booking a venue make sure you have a clear idea of what your location requirements are. Pick a venue in a location that is convenient for your potential attendees. It is important that your venue is suitable for all so ensure that it is accessible for people with special needs. Have a clear idea of your event and the activities you wish to carry out so that you can ensure you have sufficient space. You may need to check public transport links, airport access or whether there’s onsite parking.


Check what services are available in the venue. A venue with sufficient facilities can be a big cost saver. Some event venues can provide av systems, in-house catering and more. This can save you time and money. Other services and facilities you should take into consideration when choosing a venue are security, licenses, number of toilets, wifi and power.


The layout of your event venues will depend on the interactions you wish for your attendees to have. Whether it be theatre, boardroom or cabaret make sure the venue can accommodate for your requested layout. Determine the flow of your event and ensure the venue fits with your event. Be sure to organise a site visit before making any final decisions!


Does the venue’s style and features fit with the style of the event. It is important to take into consideration the existing decor within the venue when selecting a space for your event. What is the style and interior of the venue and will it match your event? Some venues offer amazing spaces which may suit your event perfectly. An event venue with great existing decor can help minimise the costs spent on bringing decor in. Whereas a venue with little to no decor or decor which is not suited to the ambiance of your event may require a lot of decorating which can become costly.


When looking for event venues, have a clear idea of the number of expected attendees. Look for a space which will fit your minimum amount of guests expected to attend while also having the option to scale up should you have more guests than expected. Take into consideration the size of the room and ensure that your guests won’t feel lost in the space should minimum numbers attend. Speak with the venue and discuss what adjustments can be made within the space depending on your number of guests.


Acoustics can play a big part when choosing a venue. The features of a room can determine how sound will travel in the space and depending on the nature of your event, this can be a very important factor. For example, a large warehouse space may cause an eco and a space with low ceilings will become very loud when packed with guests.

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